I was having a rummage around and found these two lovely old photographs. The one to the left is of my Great Grandfather Pop when he was in the Home Guard during the Second World War, to the left and right of him are my two Great Uncles, Reg (who sadly died last year) and Les who died a few years ago. Behind them is Uncle Reg's friend 'Tosh' who came home on leave with him. They are pictured standing among the veggies in the back garden of Wendover Street where Great Nan and Pop lived at the time. The other photograph is of Pop's greenhouse in the back garden. I remember this well as I was very lucky to have known Nan and Pop. Great Nan died in 1990 at the grand old age of 97!! Pop died when I was a child in the early seventies. I remember Wendover Street with great fondness. Their daughter, my Nan, is 90 in February and is still going strong, we are having a big family bash for her, although she doesn't know it yet.
I love looking through old family photographs they bring back such lovely memories.
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Jo xx