Here is a lovely group of Easter Bunnies to remind us that Easter is just around the corner. I have been busy sewing for the last two days making the two bunnies in the left of the picture. I am really pleased with my first attempts and am feeling really smug!! It took a great deal of blood, sweat and tears ( and some swearing) to get them just right. The smaller of the two is dressed in a Vintage French Vichy check pinafore with vintage faded roses fabric bloomers. The larger of the two has Vintage eiderdown fabric bloomers and a pinafore made from a vintage pastel quilt that was my pride and joy until it fell apart. In the background of the picture is my wonderful Nan who sadly died in 1990. She was about seventeen when this picture was taken so it is circa 1926. The other two bunnies are vintage, the smaller one is circa 1910, and the larger is French and dates from the 1930's. I normally collect vintage teddies but do have a weakness for bunnies.
I like your family of bunnies they all look happy together